Par - Kriegfried2023

This website represents the contribution of the artists' group „KRIEGFRIED“ to the digital exhibition programm of the EBSN Special Conference CUT-UPS@2023 in Paris
European Beat Studies Network
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  The 59 Rivoli in Paris showed the photographic documentation of the
Kriegfried-performance at the Biennial of Venice in 1980 and a new installation which was created especially for the 59 Rivoli's exhibition space. Four of the group members: Heinz Pelz, Ralf Scherrer, Wolf Pehlke and Harald Haeuser, created a special series of works for the Paris project. Each one of the 4 artists worked on 10 ellipses in their personal style.
All 40 ellipses then are combined to one installation throughout the exhibition space. The idea of being tolerated as an individual in a group, in a society, is the essential message. When combining the old photos of the „chalk circles“ with the new ellipses in one exhibition, the transformation of circles into ellipses as an „accelerated“ form of a circle came to if our globe (and old fashioned world) would transform into an ellipse by rotating faster and faster. By this time as such is demonstrated as a phenomenon of centrifugal force: Societies seem to work well and keep their tolerant attitudes only while being in a process of permanent changes – this at a growing speed only ?

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